Black Crow Miniatures, March 2022. Box art.
This is the first figure i paint in a long time that i really end up liking it. I feel like i pushed myself and that’s probably the reason why i feel like i did better. I enjoyed a lot with the kit, is not an easy one but maybe that was another reason why i got invested on it.
The shield was quite a breaking point, i knew i wanted to do something more canvasy but i always end up refining too much and losing character. I tried actively to not do that this time and i think i got to a point of brushstroke/refinement where i am happy. It’s a great piece despite of being ginormous because it allows freedom like nothing else. Please, more huge shields! xD

Just a quick step by step of the shield.
I started sketching roughly what i wanted with greenish ochres, and if you see the next pictures, the actual painting is the same but with more controlled and smaller brushstrokes. In those cases glazing or any kind of diluted brushstroke that covers part of a surface is what we don’t want. This kind of techniques what they do is unify losing information, what we need is unify adding more information. The only point where i glazed was in the 4th picture, i wanted a bit more saturation so i glazed with airbrush.
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